Major League Fencing

Tips for Choosing the Best Fence Contractor in Mobile (Questions to Ask)


Hiring a fence installation contractor in Mobile, Alabama, is an important decision, especially if you’re new to hiring local fencing services. However, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By approaching the process strategically, you can ensure that your property not only gains a substantial upgrade in curb appeal and security but also that the entire experience is seamless and hassle-free.

This comprehensive guide for selecting contractors will empower you to confidently navigate the process of hiring a fence installation contractor in Mobile, Alabama.

Selecting the right fence contractor can make a significant difference in the quality and durability of your fence. Here are ten tips to help you choose the best fence contractor for your needs:

1. Define Your Project Scope

Having a clear idea of your preferences and needs before starting your search for fencing contractors is crucial. Consider the following questions to help define your requirements:

  1. Purpose of the Fence: Determine why you need a new fence. Is it for privacy, security, aesthetics, or to contain pets or children?

  2. Fence Type: Decide between a wooden privacy fence for maximum seclusion or a decorative metal fence that adds style and openness to your property.

  3. Gate Placement: Determining the number of gates you want and their locations is crucial before hiring a fencing contractor. 
  4. Area Size: Measure the area you need to fence to provide accurate information to potential contractors and ensure proper planning.

  5. Fence Quality: Consider whether you want a basic fence that serves its purpose or a premium option with higher-quality materials for longevity and enhanced appearance.

Having a clear understanding of your project’s scope, including your preferences for fence type, size, quality, gate placement, materials, and style, is essential before hiring fencing contractors. This clarity not only helps in communicating your vision effectively but also ensures that you receive accurate quotes tailored to your specific needs and expectations.

2. Research Local Fence Contractors

When searching for fencing contractors in Mobile, Alabama, it’s crucial to focus on companies with strong reputations and a proven track record. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  1. Deep Dive into Local Contractors: Start by researching local fence installation contractors in Mobile. Look for companies that specialize in fence installations and have a strong presence in the area.

  2. Reputation and Track Record: Check for companies with a solid reputation and a proven track record of successful fence installations in Mobile. Look for testimonials, reviews, and ratings from previous customers to gauge their reliability and quality of work.

  3. Longevity and Stability: Consider the company’s history and longevity in the industry. Choose contractors that have been in business for several years, as this indicates stability and a commitment to their customers.

  4. Google Reviews: Check Google reviews for Mobile fence contractors to get insights into customer experiences. Focus on contractors with a high number of positive reviews and satisfied customers.

  5. Community Recommendations: Seek recommendations from local community boards, neighborhood groups, or friends and family who have recently had fences installed in Mobile. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you find reputable contractors.

By following these steps and focusing on contractors with strong reputations, proven track records, positive reviews, and community recommendations, you can narrow down your options and choose a reliable fence installation contractor in Mobile.

3. Verify Contractor Credentials and Experience

When verifying a contractor’s credentials and experience for a fence installation project in Mobile, Alabama, consider the following steps:

  1. Licensing, Bonding, and Insurance: Ensure the contractor is licensed to operate in Mobile and has the necessary permits for fence installations. Verify their bonding status, which provides financial protection, and confirm they have liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage.

  2. Experience and Specialization: Inquire about the contractor’s experience in fence installations, specifically in Mobile. Ask how many years they’ve been in business and if they specialize in specific types of fences, such as wood, vinyl, aluminum, or chain-link.

  3. Portfolio and References: Request a portfolio of their previous fence installation projects in Mobile. Review photos or visit completed sites if possible. Ask for references from past clients and contact them to inquire about their experience with the contractor.

  4. Certifications and Associations: Check if the contractor holds any certifications or memberships in professional associations related to fencing or construction. These credentials can indicate a commitment to quality and industry standards.

  5. Written Contracts and Estimates: Obtain a written contract that outlines the scope of work, materials, timelines, payment schedules, warranties, and any additional terms. Review the contract carefully and ensure all details are documented accurately.

  6. Communication and Professionalism: Evaluate the contractor’s communication skills, responsiveness, and professionalism during your interactions. A reliable contractor should be transparent, attentive to your needs, and able to address any concerns or questions promptly.

  7. Online Reviews and Reputation: Research the contractor’s online presence, including reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau. Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback from previous clients to get a comprehensive understanding of their reputation.

By verifying these credentials and assessing the contractor’s experience, references, professionalism, and reputation, you can make an informed decision and hire a reputable and qualified contractor for your fence installation project in Mobile, Alabama.

4. Get Quotes From Multiple Fence Contractors

When getting quotes from multiple fence contractors for your fence project in Mobile, Alabama, follow these steps to ensure accuracy and comparability:


  1. Provide Detailed Information: Clearly communicate your project requirements, including the type of fence (e.g., wood, vinyl, aluminum), dimensions, desired features (e.g., gates, decorative elements), and any specific materials or styles you prefer.

  2. Compare Quality and Materials: Evaluate the quality of materials proposed by each contractor. Compare factors such as the grade of wood, thickness of metal, durability of vinyl, and any warranties or guarantees offered on materials.

  3. Timeline and Completion Date: Inquire about the estimated timeline for completing the project. Consider factors such as weather conditions, the availability of materials, and the contractor’s workload when assessing the proposed completion date.

  4. Clarify Payment Terms: Understand the payment schedule proposed by each contractor, including the initial deposit, progress payments, and final payment upon completion. Ensure that the payment terms are clear and reasonable.

  5. Review Contract Terms: Obtain written contracts from each contractor and review the terms carefully. Pay attention to details such as scope of work, project timeline, materials used, warranties, and any clauses related to changes or additions to the project.

  6. Check References and Reviews: Before making a decision, check references provided by each contractor and read online reviews to assess their reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

  7. Ask About Permits and Regulations: Inquire about the contractor’s process for obtaining necessary permits and complying with local regulations in Mobile. Ensure that they are familiar with zoning requirements and building codes.

During the quoting process, keep in mind that “cheaper” is not always “better.”  

When obtaining quotes for your fence installation project, remember that the cheapest option may not always be the best. It’s crucial to prioritize competence, professionalism, and a contractor who stands behind their work. Opting for quality and reliability over cost savings ensures that your project is completed to high standards and meets your expectations in the long run.

By following these steps and comparing quotes from multiple fence contractors, you can make an informed decision based on pricing, quality of work, reputation, and overall value for your fence project.

5. Assess Communication and Professionalism

When evaluating potential fence contractors for your project, consider their communication and professionalism:

  1. Communication Skills: Assess how effectively they communicate during initial interactions. Are they responsive to inquiries, clear in their explanations, and proactive in addressing concerns?

  2. Timeliness: Pay attention to their punctuality for appointments and meetings. A contractor who respects your time and keeps appointments demonstrates professionalism.

  3. Transparency: Evaluate how transparent they are about the project details, including costs, timelines, materials, and potential challenges. Transparency fosters trust and ensures clarity throughout the project.

  4. Professionalism: Observe their demeanor, appearance, and conduct during meetings. A professional contractor maintains a respectful and courteous attitude, adheres to industry standards, and follows ethical practices.

  5. Documentation: Check if they provide written estimates, contracts, and warranties. Clear documentation reflects professionalism and helps prevent misunderstandings.

  6. Client References: Request references from past clients to inquire about their experiences regarding communication, professionalism, and overall satisfaction with the contractor’s services.

By assessing these factors, you can gauge a contractor’s communication style, professionalism, and reliability, which are crucial for a successful and stress-free fence installation project.

6. Discuss the Fencing Project Timeline

When discussing the timeline for your fencing project with potential contractors, consider the following aspects:

  1. Initial Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with each contractor to discuss your project requirements, goals, and timeline expectations. Provide detailed information about the scope of work, materials, and any specific deadlines or constraints.

  2. Site Visit: Arrange for a site visit where the contractor can assess the area to be fenced, discuss any site-specific challenges or requirements, and provide recommendations based on their observations.

  3. Permitting and Approvals: Inquire about the time required to obtain necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. Ensure that the contractor is familiar with zoning regulations and building codes in Mobile.

  4. Material Procurement: Discuss the lead time for procuring materials such as fencing panels, posts, gates, and accessories. Consider any delays that may arise due to material availability or customization requirements.

  5. Scheduling and Work Phases: Outline the project schedule, including start dates, milestones, and completion deadlines. Discuss how the work will be phased to ensure efficient progress while minimizing disruptions.

  6. Weather Considerations: Factor in seasonal weather conditions in Mobile, such as heat, humidity, rain, or storms, that may impact the project timeline. Discuss contingency plans for weather-related delays.

  7. Communication Protocols: Establish clear communication protocols for updates, progress reports, and addressing any unexpected issues or changes during the project. Ensure that the contractor provides regular updates and responds promptly to inquiries.

  8. Completion and Final Inspection: Discuss the timeline for completing the fence installation, conducting a final inspection, and addressing any remaining tasks or touch-ups. Confirm that the contractor’s proposed timeline aligns with your expectations and needs.

By discussing these aspects of the project timeline with potential contractors, you can ensure a realistic and well-planned schedule that meets your requirements and allows for a smooth and successful fence installation.

7. Ask About Payments & Warranties

When discussing payments and warranties with fence contractors, consider the following key points:

  1. Payment Schedule: Inquire about the contractor’s preferred payment schedule. Typically, contractors may require an initial deposit upfront, followed by progress payments based on project milestones, and a final payment upon completion. Ensure that the payment terms are clear and reasonable.

  2. Accepted Payment Methods: Clarify which payment methods the contractor accepts, such as checks, credit cards, or electronic transfers. Confirm if they offer financing options or payment plans to accommodate your budget.

  3. Written Estimate: Request a written estimate that outlines the costs for materials, labor, permits, and any additional services or features. Review the estimate carefully to understand the breakdown of expenses and avoid unexpected charges.

  4. Warranty Coverage: Ask about the warranties offered on materials and workmanship. A reputable contractor should provide warranties that cover defects in materials or installation errors for a specified period after completion. Understand the terms and conditions of the warranties, including any exclusions or limitations.

  5. Insurance Coverage: Verify that the contractor has liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage. This protects you from liability in case of accidents, injuries, or property damage during the project.

  6. Contract Terms: Ensure that all payment agreements, warranties, and project details are documented in a written contract. Review the contract thoroughly before signing and seek clarification on any unclear terms or provisions.

  7. Completion and Final Payment: Discuss the process for final inspection, completion of remaining tasks, and final payment. Confirm that the contractor will address any issues or deficiencies before final payment is made.

By asking about payments, warranties, and contract terms upfront, you can establish clear expectations, protect your interests, and ensure a smooth and successful fence installation project in Mobile.

8. Dive Into the Details

When delving into the details of your fence installation project with contractors, consider the following aspects:

  1. Fence Design and Materials: Discuss the specific design elements you want for your fence, such as height, style (e.g., privacy, decorative), and materials (e.g., wood, vinyl, metal). Ask about the pros and cons of each material and their suitability for your property.

  2. Gates and Access Points: Determine the number of gates you need, their locations, and whether you require specialized gates such as double gates or automated gate systems. Discuss gate design, security features, and compatibility with the fence style.

  3. Permits and Regulations: Inquire about the process for obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. Ensure that the contractor is knowledgeable about zoning regulations, setback requirements, and building codes that may affect the fence installation.

  4. Site Preparation: Discuss any site preparation tasks required before installing the fence, such as clearing vegetation, leveling the terrain, or addressing drainage issues. Determine if the contractor provides site cleanup and restoration services after installation.

  5. Installation Techniques: Ask about the installation methods and techniques the contractor will use, including post installation, anchoring systems, and structural integrity. Inquire about any additional features or enhancements, such as anti-rot treatments for wood fences or rust-resistant coatings for metal fences.

  6. Timeline and Project Phases: Review the proposed project timeline, including start dates, work phases, and estimated completion dates. Discuss how the contractor plans to manage the project efficiently and minimize disruptions to your property.

  7. Communication and Updates: Establish communication protocols for project updates, progress reports, and addressing any concerns or changes during the installation process. Determine how frequently you will receive updates and who will be your primary point of contact.

  8. Cleanup and Final Inspection: Confirm that the contractor will clean up the work area and remove any debris or materials after completing the installation. Discuss the process for conducting a final inspection to ensure that the fence meets your specifications and quality standards.

By diving into these details with contractors, you can ensure a thorough understanding of the project scope, expectations, and requirements, leading to a successful and satisfactory fence installation in Mobile.

9. Review the Contract Thoroughly

When reviewing the contract for your fence installation project, pay attention to the following key areas to ensure clarity and protection:

  1. Scope of Work: Verify that the contract clearly defines the scope of work, including the type of fence, materials to be used, dimensions, gates, and any additional features or services.

  2. Project Timeline: Confirm the agreed-upon project timeline, including start dates, milestones, and estimated completion dates for each phase of the project.

  3. Materials and Specifications: Ensure that the contract specifies the type and quality of materials to be used, including brand names, grades, sizes, and any customizations or special features.

  4. Cost and Payment Terms: Review the total cost of the project as outlined in the contract, including labor, materials, permits, taxes, and any additional fees. Clarify the payment schedule, deposit requirements, progress payments, and final payment terms.

  5. Warranties and Guarantees: Check for any warranties or guarantees provided by the contractor, such as warranties on materials and workmanship. Understand the duration, coverage, and procedures for warranty claims.

  6. Insurance and Liability: Confirm that the contractor has liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage. Understand your rights and responsibilities regarding insurance coverage and liability during the project.

  7. Change Orders and Modifications: Determine how changes or modifications to the project will be handled, including approval procedures, cost adjustments, and timeline impacts. Ensure that any changes are documented in writing as change orders.

  8. Permits and Approvals: Verify that the contract addresses the responsibility for obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. Understand any permit-related costs and timelines.

  9. Cleanup and Site Restoration: Discuss expectations for site cleanup, debris removal, and restoration of the work area after completion. Confirm that the contractor will leave the property in a clean and satisfactory condition.

  10. Dispute Resolution: Review the contract’s provisions for resolving disputes or disagreements that may arise during the project. Understand the procedures for mediation, arbitration, or legal action if needed.

Before signing the contract, seek clarification on any unclear terms or provisions, and ensure that you fully understand and agree to all terms outlined in the document. If necessary, consult with a legal professional to review the contract and protect your interests.

10. Trust Your Gut

Trusting your instincts or “gut feeling” can be valuable when making decisions, including selecting a fence installation contractor. Here are some tips on how to trust your gut while choosing a contractor:

  1. Initial Impressions: Pay attention to your first impressions when meeting or communicating with potential contractors. Notice if you feel comfortable, listened to, and understood during your interactions.

  2. Communication Style: Trust your instincts about the contractor’s communication style. If they are clear, responsive, and proactive in addressing your questions and concerns, it can indicate professionalism and reliability.

  3. Transparency: Consider how transparent the contractor is about the project details, costs, timelines, and potential challenges. A trustworthy contractor will provide clear and honest information without any red flags or inconsistencies.

  4. Reputation and References: Trust your gut based on the contractor’s reputation, reviews, and references from past clients. Positive feedback and a strong track record can instill confidence in their abilities and reliability.

  5. Professionalism: Evaluate the contractor’s professionalism, demeanor, and conduct during meetings or site visits. Trustworthy contractors maintain a respectful and courteous attitude, adhere to ethical practices, and prioritize customer satisfaction.

  6. Intuition: Sometimes, your intuition or gut feeling can provide valuable insights that logic alone may not capture. If something doesn’t feel right or raises concerns, trust your instincts and seek further clarification or alternatives.

  7. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions and voice any doubts or uncertainties you may have. Trusting your gut includes being proactive in gathering information and making informed decisions based on your instincts and intuition.

While it’s essential to gather information, compare options, and consider practical factors, trusting your gut can complement your decision-making process and help you choose a fence installation contractor that aligns with your needs and expectations.

Major League Fencing Would LOVE to be Your Fence Contractor

We are your local Mobile fence installation contractor. If you’re looking to get pricing for a new fence on your property, you can request a fence quote online now.

Contact Major League Fencing

As a trusted leader in fence design and installation in southwest Alabama, Major League Fencing of Mobile is dedicated to offering professional service at a competitive price. Contact Major League Fencing today to receive a free quote for your upcoming fence project.

The Fence & Gate Experts

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Hidden Posts

PostMaster+ is the only steel fence post on the market designed to be hidden from view.

Both sides of your fence will showcase beautiful cedar posts while the steel on the inside creates a durable, long-lasting fence.

Limited Lifetime Warranty

You can feel confident in your investment as it comes with a Lifetime Limited warranty.

No other wood fence post even comes close to the performance and longevity of this innovative fencing system.

Withstands Up to 112 MpH Winds

Your PostMaster+ fence system can be configured to withstand up to 112 MpH winds.

Steel posts protect your investment from damaging wind while cedar offers protection from bugs, rot, and warping. 

Never Shrink, Warp, or Rot

PostMaster+ fences are designed for more than just presenting a seamless fence, it is an investment in peace of mind.

PostMaster+ is designed to not shrink, warp or rot like wood posts.

Enhances Curb Appeal

Masonry fences are not only a durable way to protect your property, they are also beautiful. Adding a masonry fence is a great way to quickly add curb appeal to your property that will last for years. Unlike wood fences which can be susceptible to termites, mold and fungus, masonry fencing is naturally pest-proof, fire-proof, and low-maintenance.

High Security Fencing

Security fences keep your property safe from trespassers and provide safety and protection to the area the fence encloses. A masonry fence creates a solid, protective barrier to ensure the security of your yard and your family.

Noise Reduction

A noise reduction fence is an excellent way to create a relaxing, quieter environment for your yard. A masonry fence built between a noise source and your home provides an effective sound barrier and will reflect noise away from your yard – leaving you with a quiet oasis. 

Modern, Sleek Design

FenceTrac’s revolutionary, innovative fence system features one of the most modern, sleek designs on the market. Not only are these fences long-lasting, but they are also highly customizable as well as fashionable.

Stronger Trac Channels

FenceTrac U-channels are manufactured from 18-ga. roll-formed galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. This system is built to be long-lasting and customizable to match any yard.

Durable Metal Frame

FenceTrac comes in with a durable textured matte black powder coat finish consisting of a multi-stage process of industrial, weather-resistant finish. The sturdy metal frame creates a stronger, longer-lasting fence. FenceTrac’s metal frame is also compatible for fencing sloped grades with precision. 

Versatile Infill Options

Want to create a super durable fence that’s as unique as you? With a FenceTrac system you can pair their patented, durable U-channels with the infill that best fits your style. FenceTrac is designed to be used with nearly any type of rigid infill, so you can create the exact look you want.

25 Year Limited Lifetime Warranty

The power of the outdoors has met its match. Trex is engineered to endure decades of foul weather and foot traffic…with the warranty coverage to prove it. 

With our 25-Year Limited Residential Warranty, you can rest assured that your backyard investment is well protected.

Good Neighbor Fence

Unlike most fence types that have a “good side” and a “bad side,” with your Trex fence, you will get the same beautiful finish on either side. No unsightly picket defects or exposed support railings. A Trex fence is beautiful no matter what side of the fence you are on. 


Trex fencing can be cleaned easily with a regular garden hose . If you get a little mildew from moisture or shady conditions, you can use a mild dish soap and then spray off the fence with a garden hose. Trex fences are very easy to clean and typically only require it semi-annually,  making them a great option for low-maintenance fencing.

Eco-Friendly Fencing

Trex eco-friendly composite fencing is made from an innovative blend of 96% recycled wood and plastic—that’s almost the whole thing. Trex fencing led the way green fencing more than 20 years, well before green was a buzzword. Because in the end, all of us want to look out on our fences and know that we’ve done our part. As one of the largest plastic recyclers in the U.S., Trex saves 400 million pounds of plastic and wood from landfills each year.

Stronger Fencing

Compared to wood, vinyl fencing is much stronger. Vinyl fencing is flexible and durable, which helps vinyl out-perform wood fencing in windy conditions and with environmental exposure to UV rays and weather.

More Options Available

Vinyl fencing is available in a wide variety of configurations to match any property, home, or purpose. Iconic, white vinyl picket fences give a feel of classic Americana with that white-picket-fence-style. Darker vinyl fences can be installed to make a space look more elegant or modern. From short picket to tall privacy, vinyl fencing can be designed to enhance your backyard or business.

Easy to Clean

Vinyl fencing can be cleaned easily with a regular garden hose. If you get a little mildew from moisture or shady conditions, you can use a mild dish soap and then spray off the fence with a garden hose. Vinyl fences are very easy to clean, making them a great option for low-maintenance fencing.

Beautiful Vinyl Fences

Vinyl fences are a bright, bold fence choice. Available in a variety of colors, vinyl fencing can be installed in a many configurations to help you enhance the beauty of your property. And, because vinyl isn’t as porous as wood, vinyl fences retain their color and finish much longer than wood fencing so you can enjoy your fence for years to come.

Limited Lifetime Warranty

At Major League Fencing, we believe in providing complete customer satisfaction and high-quality craftsmanship. That’s why each fence we build includes a one year workmanship warranty.

High Security Fencing

Maintaining a secure perimeter is your first line of defense against potential threats. A metal fence from Major League Fencing serves as a visual deterrent backed with heavy metal components that give a higher level of protection compared to traditional alternatives.

Coated Galvanized Steel

All of Major League’s metal fences are coated inside and out. Our galvanized metal framework is subjected to a multi-stage pre-treatment/wash, followed by a duplex cathodic electrocoat system consisting of an epoxy primer, which significantly increases corrosion protection, and an acrylic topcoat, which provides the protection necessary to withstand adverse weathering effects.

Seamless Design

Our metal fence panels are fabricated through a welding technique that combines laser and fusion technology to create a virtually invisible structural connection at every picket to rail intersection. 

Major League Fence’s expertly crafted construction is unmatched in strength and durability.

Stronger Posts & Hardware

A benefit of choosing Major League to install your chain link fence is that we use only the most durable posts and hardware.

Chain-link fences are known for being the last fences standing during hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather events.

Top Quality Rails

At Major League, we believe it’s important to go the extra mile to ensure your investment is built to last.

Adding a top rail to your chain link fence project creates an extra level of durability and security.

Premium Chain Link Mesh

Our chain link mesh offers a high level of security for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Manufactured with you in mind to provide you with security and beauty at the same time.

Nice Finishing Caps

At Major League, we pride ourselves on putting in the little details that make your fence unique to you. Ask your representative about adding premium finishing caps to your Chain Link fence project.

Decorative Details

At Major League Fence Company, we believe it’s important to go the extra mile in every detail of your fence project.

Customize your fence project by asking about our add-ons we offer: decorative post caps, trim, and custom railings.

Premium Rails

Much like our fence pickets, Major League Fencing takes care to only build with rails with minor defects. Taking the time to use premium fence materials helps ensure your family can enjoy the security and privacy of your new fence for years to come.

Better Fence Pickets

Major League Fence builds with only the best fence pickets. These are not the typical fence pickets anyone can buy from the local big-box stores. Major League Fencing has partnered with suppliers to provide the highest quality wood fencing materials.

Stronger Posts

We understand that your fence is only as strong as your posts. This is why we take great care to use the strongest posts, free of defect. We not only offer heavy-duty wood posts but also offer metal posts and PostMaster+ post options for an even stronger post.

All high-quality posts are built to ensure that your fence stands strong for years to come.