Major League Fencing


When it comes to fencing, every decision matters. A well-done fence can enhance the beauty of your home, provide security and privacy, and add value to your property. On the other hand, mistakes in fence installation can quickly turn what should be an asset into a costly headache.

If you’re considering a DIY fence project or hiring a professional, it’s crucial to avoid common fence installation mistakes. At Major League Fencing, we’ve seen it all, and we’re here to share our top tips on how to get your fence installation right the first time. Whether you’re using wood, vinyl, chain link, or aluminum, these tips apply to ensure a sturdy, long-lasting fence that you’ll love for years to come.

Let’s dive into our expert advice on avoiding fence installation mistakes and making your fence project a success!

Low-Quality Material

When it comes to choosing fencing materials, there are several options available, each with its own set of pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at some common fencing materials and considerations for choosing the right ones:

  1. Wood: Wood is a popular choice for fencing due to its natural beauty and versatility. However, not all wood is created equal. Opting for low-quality or untreated wood can lead to issues such as rotting, warping, and insect damage over time. To ensure longevity and durability, it’s crucial to use high-quality, pressure-treated wood or naturally rot-resistant species like cedar or redwood. Proper sealing and maintenance also play a significant role in extending the lifespan of a wooden fence.
  2. Vinyl: Vinyl fencing is known for its low maintenance and durability. However, not all vinyl fences are created equal. Cheaper vinyl materials may crack or become brittle over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Investing in high-quality vinyl fencing from reputable manufacturers can ensure that your fence remains sturdy and attractive for years to come. Additionally, proper installation techniques, such as using aluminum or steel reinforcements for posts, can enhance the stability of a vinyl fence.
  3. Metal: Metal fences, such as aluminum or steel, are prized for their strength and security. However, choosing the right gauge of metal and coating can significantly impact the longevity of a metal fence. Thicker gauges and corrosion-resistant coatings can help prevent rust and structural issues over time. Regular inspections and maintenance, such as repainting or resealing, can also prolong the lifespan of a metal fence.
  4. Composite: Composite fencing offers the look of wood with the durability of plastic. While composite materials are generally low maintenance and resistant to rot and insect damage, not all composites are created equal. It’s essential to choose a reputable composite fencing product with UV-resistant coatings to prevent fading and warping. Proper installation techniques, such as allowing for expansion and contraction, are also critical for ensuring the longevity of a composite fence.

In addition to selecting the right materials, proper installation techniques are crucial for the structural integrity of a fence. This includes ensuring proper post depth, using quality fasteners and hardware, and following manufacturer guidelines for spacing and support.

By prioritizing high-quality materials and meticulous installation practices, homeowners can avoid common DIY fencing mistakes and enjoy a sturdy, long-lasting fence that enhances the aesthetics and functionality of their property.

Using the Wrong Materials

One of the most significant mistakes homeowners make when installing a fence is not considering the local climate and environmental factors. Choosing the wrong type of wood or opting for a metal fence when vinyl would be more suitable can lead to dissatisfaction and costly replacements down the line. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting fencing materials:

  1. Climate Compatibility: Different types of wood and fencing materials respond differently to varying climates. For example, in humid or rainy areas, choosing rot-resistant wood species like cedar or redwood is essential to prevent premature decay. In arid regions, selecting materials that can withstand intense sun exposure without fading or warping is crucial. Consulting with local experts or fencing professionals can provide valuable insights into the best materials for your specific climate.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond functionality, the aesthetic appeal of your fence plays a significant role in enhancing your property’s overall look. Consider the architectural style of your home, surrounding landscaping, and neighborhood guidelines when choosing fencing materials. While metal fences may offer security and durability, they may not complement certain architectural styles or blend well with natural surroundings. Vinyl fences, on the other hand, come in a variety of styles and colors, offering versatility and visual appeal.
  3. Long-Term Vision: Installing a fence is a long-term investment, and it’s essential to think about how your choice of materials will hold up over time. Low-quality materials may initially seem cost-effective, but they can lead to frequent repairs or replacements, ultimately costing more in the long run. By opting for high-quality, climate-appropriate materials and considering the aesthetic harmony with your property, you’ll create a fence that not only stands the test of time but also enhances the overall value and curb appeal of your home.

Taking the time to consider these factors before embarking on a fencing project can save you from costly mistakes and ensure that you’re delighted with your fence for years to come. Consulting with fencing professionals or researching local climate considerations can provide valuable guidance in making informed decisions about the best fencing materials for your needs.

Using Untreated Lumber

At Major League Fencing, we understand the importance of using quality materials to protect your fence investment. That’s why we exclusively install pressure-treated pine boards that offer unparalleled protection against common fencing woes.

Untreated wood, when used for fencing, is susceptible to various threats that can compromise its integrity over time. Here are some of the issues that untreated wood fencing can face:

  1. Rot: Without treatment, wood absorbs moisture from rain, snow, and humidity, leading to rot over time. A rotting fence not only looks unsightly but also becomes structurally weak, compromising its ability to provide security and privacy.
  2. Insect Damage: Termites, ants, and other wood-boring insects are attracted to untreated wood, making it their ideal habitat. These pests can tunnel through the wood, causing extensive damage and weakening the fence’s structure.
  3. Warping and Cracking: Exposure to the sun’s UV rays during the summer months can cause untreated wood to dry out, leading to warping, cracking, and overall deterioration. This not only detracts from the fence’s appearance but also reduces its lifespan significantly.

By using pressure-treated pine boards, we provide a robust defense against these issues. Pressure-treated wood is infused with preservatives that repel moisture, deter insects, and enhance the wood’s overall durability. This treatment process extends the lifespan of your fence, ensuring that it remains strong and visually appealing for years to come.

Additionally, applying a sealant after the installation further enhances the protection and longevity of the fence. A quality sealant acts as a barrier against moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors, preserving the beauty and structural integrity of your fence.

When building a fence, always prioritize using treated wood and follow up with a sealant for added protection. This simple step can make a world of difference in the longevity and sturdiness of your fence, providing peace of mind and lasting value for your property.

Not Using Long Enough Fence Posts

A sturdy fence begins with secure and well-anchored fence posts. These posts provide the foundation and support that your fence needs to withstand harsh weather conditions and maintain its structural integrity over time.

When installing fence posts, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure maximum stability:

  1. Depth of Installation: As a general rule of thumb, the depth at which you should install your fence posts depends on the height of your fence. Aim for at least one-third of the total post length to be buried in the ground. For example, if your fence is 6 feet tall, your posts should be buried 2 feet deep. This depth provides a strong foothold for the posts and prevents the fence from being easily knocked over by strong winds or storms.
  2. Concrete Anchoring: While some may opt for simply burying the posts in soil, using concrete for anchoring offers superior stability. Concrete helps to secure the posts firmly in place, preventing them from shifting or leaning over time. When setting the posts in concrete, ensure that the concrete extends below the frost line to prevent frost heaving, which can disrupt the stability of the fence.
  3. Quality of Posts: Don’t skimp on the quality of your fence posts. Invest in sturdy, durable posts that are designed to withstand the elements. Pressure-treated wood or metal posts are popular choices for their strength and resistance to rot, insect damage, and decay.

By anchoring your fence posts deep into the ground and using concrete for added stability, you’ll create a fence that can withstand the test of time and weather conditions. This ensures that your investment in a fence pays off in terms of longevity, functionality, and visual appeal for years to come.

Using Privacy Fencing When You Just Need a Picket Fence

When it comes to fencing, one size does not fit all. While privacy is important, especially in certain areas of your property, opting for a tall privacy fence isn’t always the best choice. A fence should enhance the beauty of your yard and home, not make it feel confined or closed off like a prison yard.

Consider the following tips when choosing the right fence for your yard:

  1. Matching the Landscape: Take cues from your yard’s landscape and architectural style when selecting a fence. A backyard garden, for example, can benefit from a charming picket fence that adds a touch of elegance without blocking the view of your carefully cultivated plants and flowers. On the other hand, a more expansive property might benefit from a combination of open fencing and strategically placed privacy panels to create visual interest while providing necessary privacy in specific areas.
  2. Avoiding Overwhelming Heights: While tall privacy fences have their place, they can sometimes overwhelm smaller yards or detract from the overall visual appeal of your property. Opt for fence heights that are proportionate to the scale of your yard and home. Lower fences, such as decorative metal or wooden fences, can delineate spaces without creating a sense of confinement.
  3. Seeking Professional Advice: If you’re unsure about what type of fencing would best suit your yard and home, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Experienced fencing professionals can assess your property, listen to your needs and preferences, and recommend fencing styles that will enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space.

At Major League Fencing, we’re here to help you make informed decisions about your fencing needs. Whether you’re looking for a charming picket fence for your garden or a practical solution for privacy and security, we have the expertise and resources to guide you toward the perfect fencing solution for your property. Let’s work together to create a fence that not only meets your practical needs but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor environment.

Avoid Mistakes and Call the Pros at Major League Fencing

Are you hesitant about tackling a DIY fencing project? Let us put your mind at ease. At Major League Fencing, we specialize in creating custom fences that meet your exact specifications and exceed your expectations. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and using the best materials available ensures that your fence is not only beautiful but also built to last.

Our design team is here to work with you every step of the way, whether you’re envisioning a stunning wood fence that adds rustic charm to your property, a low-maintenance vinyl fence that retains its beauty year after year, a durable chain link fence for security and functionality, or an elegant aluminum fence that combines style and strength.

With years of experience and thousands of professional fence installations in Mobile and surrounding areas, we have earned a reputation as one of the most trusted fencing companies in the region. When you choose Major League Fencing, you can trust that your fence will be crafted with precision, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence.

Don’t let doubts hold you back from having the fence of your dreams. If you can imagine it, we can bring it to life. Let us show you why Major League Fencing is your go-to choice for custom fencing solutions that enhance the beauty, functionality, and value of your property. Get in touch with us today to discuss your fencing needs, and let’s turn your vision into reality!

When you’re ready to take the next step toward getting your ideal backyard fence, reach out for a free in-home consultation and a free quote. Contact us to start the conversation today!A

The Fence & Gate Experts

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Hidden Posts

PostMaster+ is the only steel fence post on the market designed to be hidden from view.

Both sides of your fence will showcase beautiful cedar posts while the steel on the inside creates a durable, long-lasting fence.

Limited Lifetime Warranty

You can feel confident in your investment as it comes with a Lifetime Limited warranty.

No other wood fence post even comes close to the performance and longevity of this innovative fencing system.

Withstands Up to 112 MpH Winds

Your PostMaster+ fence system can be configured to withstand up to 112 MpH winds.

Steel posts protect your investment from damaging wind while cedar offers protection from bugs, rot, and warping. 

Never Shrink, Warp, or Rot

PostMaster+ fences are designed for more than just presenting a seamless fence, it is an investment in peace of mind.

PostMaster+ is designed to not shrink, warp or rot like wood posts.

Enhances Curb Appeal

Masonry fences are not only a durable way to protect your property, they are also beautiful. Adding a masonry fence is a great way to quickly add curb appeal to your property that will last for years. Unlike wood fences which can be susceptible to termites, mold and fungus, masonry fencing is naturally pest-proof, fire-proof, and low-maintenance.

High Security Fencing

Security fences keep your property safe from trespassers and provide safety and protection to the area the fence encloses. A masonry fence creates a solid, protective barrier to ensure the security of your yard and your family.

Noise Reduction

A noise reduction fence is an excellent way to create a relaxing, quieter environment for your yard. A masonry fence built between a noise source and your home provides an effective sound barrier and will reflect noise away from your yard – leaving you with a quiet oasis. 

Modern, Sleek Design

FenceTrac’s revolutionary, innovative fence system features one of the most modern, sleek designs on the market. Not only are these fences long-lasting, but they are also highly customizable as well as fashionable.

Stronger Trac Channels

FenceTrac U-channels are manufactured from 18-ga. roll-formed galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. This system is built to be long-lasting and customizable to match any yard.

Durable Metal Frame

FenceTrac comes in with a durable textured matte black powder coat finish consisting of a multi-stage process of industrial, weather-resistant finish. The sturdy metal frame creates a stronger, longer-lasting fence. FenceTrac’s metal frame is also compatible for fencing sloped grades with precision. 

Versatile Infill Options

Want to create a super durable fence that’s as unique as you? With a FenceTrac system you can pair their patented, durable U-channels with the infill that best fits your style. FenceTrac is designed to be used with nearly any type of rigid infill, so you can create the exact look you want.

25 Year Limited Lifetime Warranty

The power of the outdoors has met its match. Trex is engineered to endure decades of foul weather and foot traffic…with the warranty coverage to prove it. 

With our 25-Year Limited Residential Warranty, you can rest assured that your backyard investment is well protected.

Good Neighbor Fence

Unlike most fence types that have a “good side” and a “bad side,” with your Trex fence, you will get the same beautiful finish on either side. No unsightly picket defects or exposed support railings. A Trex fence is beautiful no matter what side of the fence you are on. 


Trex fencing can be cleaned easily with a regular garden hose . If you get a little mildew from moisture or shady conditions, you can use a mild dish soap and then spray off the fence with a garden hose. Trex fences are very easy to clean and typically only require it semi-annually,  making them a great option for low-maintenance fencing.

Eco-Friendly Fencing

Trex eco-friendly composite fencing is made from an innovative blend of 96% recycled wood and plastic—that’s almost the whole thing. Trex fencing led the way green fencing more than 20 years, well before green was a buzzword. Because in the end, all of us want to look out on our fences and know that we’ve done our part. As one of the largest plastic recyclers in the U.S., Trex saves 400 million pounds of plastic and wood from landfills each year.

Stronger Fencing

Compared to wood, vinyl fencing is much stronger. Vinyl fencing is flexible and durable, which helps vinyl out-perform wood fencing in windy conditions and with environmental exposure to UV rays and weather.

More Options Available

Vinyl fencing is available in a wide variety of configurations to match any property, home, or purpose. Iconic, white vinyl picket fences give a feel of classic Americana with that white-picket-fence-style. Darker vinyl fences can be installed to make a space look more elegant or modern. From short picket to tall privacy, vinyl fencing can be designed to enhance your backyard or business.

Easy to Clean

Vinyl fencing can be cleaned easily with a regular garden hose. If you get a little mildew from moisture or shady conditions, you can use a mild dish soap and then spray off the fence with a garden hose. Vinyl fences are very easy to clean, making them a great option for low-maintenance fencing.

Beautiful Vinyl Fences

Vinyl fences are a bright, bold fence choice. Available in a variety of colors, vinyl fencing can be installed in a many configurations to help you enhance the beauty of your property. And, because vinyl isn’t as porous as wood, vinyl fences retain their color and finish much longer than wood fencing so you can enjoy your fence for years to come.

Limited Lifetime Warranty

At Major League Fencing, we believe in providing complete customer satisfaction and high-quality craftsmanship. That’s why each fence we build includes a one year workmanship warranty.

High Security Fencing

Maintaining a secure perimeter is your first line of defense against potential threats. A metal fence from Major League Fencing serves as a visual deterrent backed with heavy metal components that give a higher level of protection compared to traditional alternatives.

Coated Galvanized Steel

All of Major League’s metal fences are coated inside and out. Our galvanized metal framework is subjected to a multi-stage pre-treatment/wash, followed by a duplex cathodic electrocoat system consisting of an epoxy primer, which significantly increases corrosion protection, and an acrylic topcoat, which provides the protection necessary to withstand adverse weathering effects.

Seamless Design

Our metal fence panels are fabricated through a welding technique that combines laser and fusion technology to create a virtually invisible structural connection at every picket to rail intersection. 

Major League Fence’s expertly crafted construction is unmatched in strength and durability.

Stronger Posts & Hardware

A benefit of choosing Major League to install your chain link fence is that we use only the most durable posts and hardware.

Chain-link fences are known for being the last fences standing during hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather events.

Top Quality Rails

At Major League, we believe it’s important to go the extra mile to ensure your investment is built to last.

Adding a top rail to your chain link fence project creates an extra level of durability and security.

Premium Chain Link Mesh

Our chain link mesh offers a high level of security for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Manufactured with you in mind to provide you with security and beauty at the same time.

Nice Finishing Caps

At Major League, we pride ourselves on putting in the little details that make your fence unique to you. Ask your representative about adding premium finishing caps to your Chain Link fence project.

Decorative Details

At Major League Fence Company, we believe it’s important to go the extra mile in every detail of your fence project.

Customize your fence project by asking about our add-ons we offer: decorative post caps, trim, and custom railings.

Premium Rails

Much like our fence pickets, Major League Fencing takes care to only build with rails with minor defects. Taking the time to use premium fence materials helps ensure your family can enjoy the security and privacy of your new fence for years to come.

Better Fence Pickets

Major League Fence builds with only the best fence pickets. These are not the typical fence pickets anyone can buy from the local big-box stores. Major League Fencing has partnered with suppliers to provide the highest quality wood fencing materials.

Stronger Posts

We understand that your fence is only as strong as your posts. This is why we take great care to use the strongest posts, free of defect. We not only offer heavy-duty wood posts but also offer metal posts and PostMaster+ post options for an even stronger post.

All high-quality posts are built to ensure that your fence stands strong for years to come.